Join us for Worship on Sundays

Brown Memorial is an inclusive Christian community with historic roots in the heart of Baltimore City. Life at Brown emphasizes the worship of God through song, story, Scripture and sermon. As a new visitor we try to strike a balance between communicating clearly our sense of welcome, and giving you space to learn more about the church. Below you’ll find some details about what our typical schedule looks like:

Our Program Year  Schedule*

10:30 AM      Worship

11:30 AM       Lunch for All

12:15 PM       Faith Exploration

*The Program Year Schedule runs from the Sunday after Labor Day thru the Sunday prior to Memorial Day.

Read more about our Sunday morning activities.

Your Arrival

We hope you’ll join us on Sunday either in person or online. Access Sunday morning resources (including Zoom links) here: Worship Information

Brown Memorial does not have a parking lot but ample street parking is available surrounding the church and parking/shuttle service is provided to and from nearby Mt. Royal Elementary School. Get directions and more information about parking/shuttle service.

Ushers welcome visitors at the door and will provide a bulletin that will guide you through our worship service.

For those in need of hearing assistance, we provide devices to amplify the spoken word. Inform a usher, and they can easily hand you a device.

All Gender restrooms are located just off the Assembly Room, accessible by the door to the left of the pulpit.


Read more about accessibility and usability of Brown Memorial’s Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall and Assembly Room.

Our Worship Service

A few things characterize a typical worship service at Brown:

  • Passing the Peace – Many churches do this, but we take time to come out of our pews and extend the peace.
  • Silence – Our lives are busy and we try to slow it down for this one time a week to rest in God’s grace. But please know that we welcome infants and children in worship, which means that we expect them to make noise.
  • Candle Lighting – We know it’s not typically Presbyterian, but once a month we light candles as a way of lifting up the prayers of the people to God.
  • Organ Postlude – It is odd to see so many people seated for an organ postlude, but it’s a pretty special organ and some like to sit for it. That doesn’t mean you have to. You will notice others who move about during this transition time.

We typically celebrate the Lord’s Supper (also called the Eucharist, or communion) once per month. Communion is an open invitation to anyone who wishes to follow Christ, but participation is not required. Ordinarily, communion is by intinction, a fancy way to indicate participants come forward to dip a piece of bread in the cup. To make communion as inclusive as possible, we use grape juice and gluten-free bread.

Most Sundays during our Program Year Schedule (the Sunday after Labor Day thru the Sunday prior to Memorial Day) lunch for all is provided after worship, followed by an Faith Exploration, in our Assembly Room. In the summers lunch and the Faith Exploration are on pause, instead we congregate after worship to enjoy lemonade and cookies.

We look forward to welcoming you in worship.