Jesus teaches us to love God and our neighbor (Mark 12). Every other law hangs on this central principle. At Brown Memorial, we’ve worked hard to build relationships across our city and pursue justice in our personal and public life. These relationships take many forms. Some of them are ministries run within our congregation and others are partnerships with sister organizations in the city. Explore some of the ways we connect with our Baltimore neighbors below.
Brown Memorial is a founding member of BUILD (Baltimoreans United in Leadership Development), a broad-based, non-partisan, interfaith, multiracial power organization in Baltimore City. BUILD is a network of congregations and other organizations that listens to its membership, develops local leaders, and seeks social change with and alongside its people. Successful past campaigns have centered upon the living wage, affordable housing and improvements to Baltimore City Schools.
Our senior pastor, Andrew Foster Connors, is currently on the Strategy Team of BUILD. For more information, visit the BUILD website or contact Andrew.
Brown Memorial’s Ministry of Welcome works closely with our immigrant siblings in the Baltimore region to provide resources, teach English, practice Spanish, and develop friendships. Fellow BUILD institution, Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Church and St Patrick, is a key partner in this ministry. For more information on how to get involved Dr. Barbara Cook.
The BMPA Green Team is involved in several local projects aimed towards eco-theology, addressing environmental racism, growing food for our neighbors, urban forestry, and enjoying God’s creation together. Read more>
Meals on Wheels is a nonprofit organization that helps home-bound people eat well and remain in their own homes. Meals on Wheels houses one of its many offices within our church and relies on volunteers both in and outside the congregation to deliver meals across the city. The Meals on Wheels coordinator for Brown Memorial is Peggy Whitfield. Contact her at (443) 600-2975 if you are interested in volunteering.
Our Daily Bread is an organization within the larger network of Catholic Charities. They work to alleviate poverty and hunger in Baltimore City through a hot meals program, as well as job training and counseling services. A team of volunteers at Brown Memorial contributes 20 casseroles a month to Our Daily Bread. Contact Gayle Barney to volunteer with Our Daily Bread through Brown Memorial.
The Samaritan Community is a nonprofit that provides services and supports to individuals in crisis. They are located right here in Bolton Hill and are a fantastic resource for the greater community. In addition to making referrals to the Samaritan Community’s services, we regularly collect winter clothing and food items to donate. If you’d like to volunteer with the Samaritan Community you can find contact information on their website.
The Brown Memorial Tutoring Program is dedicated to helping children in Baltimore City learn to read and succeed in school. The program’s goal is to help students improve their reading and writing skills. Read more>