Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. – II Corinthians 9:7
We thank you for considering uplifting the mission and ministry of Brown Memorial in Baltimore and beyond. There are many ways to support the church, both in time and financial resources, and we invite you to give as you are able.
The church’s ministry in our city and around the world depends first and foremost on the annual gifts of members and friends of Brown Memorial. As a community intent on cultivating a deeper generosity in the world, beginning first with ourselves, we fund our ministry almost entirely through annual giving, and through income from the church’s endowment.
Checks made payable to Brown Memorial Park Ave. Presbyterian Church can be mailed to 1316 Park Ave. Baltimore, MD 21217.
If you participate with on-line banking, you can set up one-time or recurring contributions through on-line bill pay. The bank will mail checks to us on your behalf at no cost.
If you are 70½ or older, a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from your IRA could provide a tax advantage by reducing your taxable income. Contact your IRA Custodian for instructions.
A donor advised fund is a charitable giving vehicle that allows you to set aside a large sum of money for charitable purposes, thereby maximizing your charitable contribution tax deduction. Once your fund is established you can direct contributions through grant recommendations.
A gift of appreciated stock could provide a tax advantage by giving you a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of your transfer while avoiding the need to pay taxes on the capital gains. If you would like to transfer stock, provide the information below to your broker. And, please advise Sharon Lucas to assure that your gift is properly attributed.
RBC Wealth Management – Atlantic Investment Group
Contact: Geoffrey Brent (410) 316-5315, or
Yale Hoffberg (410) 316-5328
Administrative questions contact: Lisa Vetter (410) 316-5319, or
Keira Levy (410) 316-5338
DTC #0235 Acct #313-81881 Name: Brown Memorial Park Ave. Presbyterian Church
Income on our endowment, built from the generosity of generations of members who bequeathed gifts to the church, enables the church to engage in ministry beyond our annual giving. Planned giving options are offered through the church’s Investment Committee. Those interested in making planned gifts to the endowment are invited to contact Andrew Connors, or Jody Shaw, Chair of the Investment Committee.
We gather pledges in November to celebrate our communal commitment to God’s work through our church, and to plan responsibly for the coming year, although you can fill out the 2025 Pledge Form at anytime.
There are countless ways you can give of your time and skills to Brown Memorial through the many ministries and activities that comprise our church life. Learn more about our adult and youth/children’s activities, both inside the church and outside the church in the community and beyond.