Rev. Andrew Connors

Andrew Connors (he/him)
Senior Pastor
Joined in 2004

[email protected]
410-523-1542 Ext. 104
In Office: Sun-Thu, 9 AM-5 PM*

*This represents a typical schedule; however, pastoral duties range widely outside these times. Due to this, meetings with Andrew, except for pastoral emergencies, occur by appointment.

Andrew believes that God is alive and active in the world. Our great joy and challenge is to notice when and where God is present, calling us to join in the healing work of loving our neighbors and transforming the world together in more just and generous ways. Convinced that the Gospel really does mean “good news,” Andrew strives to nurture ample servings of creativity, humor, joy, and generosity in the life and mission of Brown Memorial. He brings more than two decades of pastoral leadership experience into Brown, a church that continues to stretch itself toward greater inclusion of all people in church and society. 

Andrew’s passion for community transformation has been profoundly shaped by the discipline of community organizing, rooted in the proven conviction that diverse groups of people can change the world when they organize their power together. From 2010 through June 2021, he served as clergy co-chair of Baltimoreans United in Leadership Development (BUILD), a local affiliate of the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) and Maryland’s largest citizens power organization. In 2016, Andrew shared a Baltimore Sun “Marylander of the Year – Honorable Mention” with two colleagues for their leadership in negotiating the most significant community benefits agreement in Baltimore history. He continues to serve on BUILD’s vision-setting Strategy Team. 

From 2023-2024, Andrew served as the Moderator of the Presbytery of Baltimore and currently chairs the Presbytery Cabinet. Believing that faith calls us to expand our knowledge and understanding through engaging many disciplines, he is pursuing a Certificate in Psychoanalytic Studies at the Washington Baltimore Center for Psychoanalysis.

Andrew is a native of Raleigh, NC. He attended Duke University as a B.N. Duke Scholar, where he received a B.A. in History with a focus on contemporary social movements. He holds a Master of Divinity from Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA. Andrew was the 2001 recipient of the prestigious David H.C. Read Preaching Award and has preached at numerous conferences and events nationwide. A resident of Baltimore City, he serves on several non-profit boards and is a frequent contributor to scholarly journals.

Andrew is also the proud father of two children, Anna and Aidan.

Must-Know Info about Andrew:

He has driven fire trucks and flown airplanes, and he currently rides a motorcycle. One of his favorite pastimes is working on his 1929 Ford Model A.

Want to get a feel for Andrew’s preaching or his thoughts on serving God? Here are two great sermons and a piece of his writing:

“Do-It-Together Christianity” (sermon)

“The Joy of the Gospel in Difficult Times” (sermon)

“The Need To Dream and a Chance To Heal” (essay)

Rachel Cunningham

Rachel Cunningham (she/her)
Congregational Life Minister
Joined in 2005

[email protected]
410-523-1542 Ext. 106
In Office: Sun, 9 AM-1 PM; Mon-Thu, 9 AM-5 PM

Rachel loves being part of a team that works to bring people from all walks of life together in community. She is dedicated to helping Brown Memorial members and friends connect with their passions, connect with the community, and connect more deeply with God.

With a background in Interior Design, Rachel never dreamed she’d work for a church but has found her time at Brown extremely rewarding personally and professionally. She began her tenure quite by accident shortly after Andrew Connors became the Senior Pastor. She remembers distinctly the Sunday afternoon she got the call asking her to serve as the Interim Christian Educator. Surprised, she responded with something like, “You know I’m an interior designer. I don’t have any experience with this.”

This, of course, was not entirely true. She had served as a Sunday School teacher and on the Christian Education committee. During a period of personal discernment and feeling a nudge toward work with more spiritual purpose and meaning, Rachel took the position.

It wasn’t long before that interim position became permanent and led Rachel back to school to complete her master’s degree in church ministry with a religious education focus at the Ecumenical Institute of Theology at St. Mary’s Seminary. Now, in addition to the connection and inclusion she helps foster for all members at Brown, she manages volunteer recruitment, training, and engagement while also leading the overall vision of Christian Formation in our congregation from birth to adulthood.

Rachel’s commute is a breeze; she and her husband live just two blocks away. Their adult children, who grew up at Brown, are still close enough to make the occasional Sunday morning visit. Recently, she became a great auntie, which brings her much joy!

Must-Know Info about Rachel:

Although she’s a die-hard country music fan, her favorite karaoke song is “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey.

Michael Stefanek

Michael Stefanek (he/him)
Minister of Music
Joined in 2024

[email protected]
410-523-1542 Ext. 107
In Office: Sun-Thu, full-time hours vary

Michael is thrilled to share his deep love of music at Brown Memorial by shepherding the vibrant music program as Minister of Music. His primary duties include serving as organist and chancel choir director, planning meaningful music for worship, and working with the Tiffany Series Committee. Michael is honored to continue the lineage of impressive musicians who have served this warm, inclusive faith community that embraces all people and supports social justice.

Before Brown, Michael served nearly eight years as Director of Music Ministries at Asbury United Methodist Church in Salisbury, MD. He continues to serve on the Board of Directors for the Salisbury Children’s Choir. As an organist, Michael has performed in solo and collaborative recitals across the US. He is also a member of the American Guild of Organists and the Organ Historical Society. Michael’s love of choral music began at age six when he became a member of the Green Bay Boy Choir at age six and has continued throughout his life as a choral music conductor and vocalist.

Michael earned his Doctor of Musical Arts and Master of Music degrees at the University of Michigan. He received his Bachelor of Music degree from Oberlin College Conservatory of Music. You can learn more about his musical background and career on his website:

Michael is originally from Green Bay, WI. He and his partner, Chris, have a spoiled rotten dog named Jelly Bean and now reside in the Baltimore area. In his free time, Michael enjoys travel, bike riding, watching movies, attending concerts, musical theater, jazz clubs, and hanging with friends.

Must-Know Info about Michael:

The most unusual food he has tried are gator bites, and while he and Chris are making dinner, they love listening to the Willy Wonka soundtrack.


Rev. Gretchen van Utt

Rev. Gretchen van Utt (she/her)
Pastoral Care Minister
Joined in 2019

[email protected]
410-523-1542 Ext. 110
In Office: Sun, 9:30 AM-1:30 PM; Mon, Tue, and Fri, 9:30 AM-12:00 PM
Remote: Mon-Tue, 1 PM-3:30 PM; Wed, 9:30 AM-12 PM

In early 2019, Gretchen received a call from Pastor Andrew asking if she could help out at Brown Memorial while he was on sabbatical. She knew immediately that was the only offer to lure her out of retirement for the third time. After years as a solo pastor, the opportunity to work with an extraordinary team of colleagues in a church committed to an inclusive urban ministry was irresistible. 

Soon after arriving, Gretchen knew that she would want Brown to become her church home, so she returned later that year to worship with her new friends and affiliate with Brown as a (non-staff) Parish Associate. When a need arose in September 2023, she returned to the ministry team in a part-time transitional position, which was formalized in mid-2024.

As her job title reflects, the most essential part of Gretchen’s work is helping the Pastor and Deacons to provide pastoral care for the congregation which, as she has gotten older, has become one of the most enriching and replenishing aspects of ministry.  But Gretchen also loves liturgy and teaching and is grateful to be preparing the liturgies for Sunday worship, sharing in the leadership of the Wednesday Bible Study, and helping as needed with Faith Exploration, the Sunday afternoon adult education program.  

Gretchen received her M.Div. from Harvard in 1976, then moved to Baltimore and spent seven years as Chaplain and a lecturer in the Department of Philosophy and Religion at Goucher College and nine years as University Chaplain at Johns Hopkins. She then decided to try parish ministry. However, few churches were calling women at that time, so she became certified in interim ministry and began serving congregations in that capacity.  After completing three interims, she received a call to serve as Pastor of Springfield PC, so she and her husband, George, left the city and moved to Sykesville. 

Gretchen loved that church deeply but, in time, realized that she missed the city and that her gift was in interim ministry, helping congregations to navigate often difficult transitions and prepare to receive a new pastor. She and George moved back to Baltimore, where she served two more churches as Interim Minister before retiring and, then, two more churches in brief “bridge” positions before retiring again and becoming a yoga teacher (which now continually shapes her understanding of ministry). Then there was Brown. Gretchen is home.        

Must-Know Info about Gretchen:

She prefers not to inflict her singing voice on others, but if she had to try karaoke, her go-to song would be a Motown hit from the 60’s – probably Mary Wells’ “My Guy.” She’s also eaten crickets – apparently the sustainable solution to feeding our crowded planet. Gretchen determined they were “OK,” but she decided to enjoy their presence in her yard rather than her stomach.

Want to get a feel for Gretchen’s preaching or her thoughts on serving God? Here’s a great sermon:


Eva Hendrix-Shovlin

Eva Hendrix-Shovlin (she/her)
Youth Director
Joined in 2023

[email protected]
410-523-1542 Ext. 105
In Office: Sun-Tue, 9 AM-5 PM

As Brown Memorial’s Youth Director, Eva believes recognizing the agency and personhood of young people while helping them learn and grow is central to her role. She finds the warmth of a queer-affirming, social justice-oriented community like Brown makes it easy to reach her goal of embodying and imparting to grade 3-12 youth the values of justice, mercy, and humility described in Micah 6:8.  

Eva coordinates monthly meetups and leadership opportunities where youth can engage in service projects, spiritual enrichment, and radical Christian hospitality while building community with peers and intergenerational mentors. She also helps lead Sunday school, sings in Brown’s musical ensembles, and plans and coordinates family activities such as river tubing, winter ski weekends, and service projects, like the annual fundraiser carwash. The kindness, creativity, and sheer joy of the young folks make her “job” more fun than work.  

Eva studied violin at the Baltimore School for the Arts, completing her Bachelor of Music Education in Voice at the College of Wooster. She also studied Arts and Culture in the Volta region of Ghana. Previously, she worked in the social work field, partnering with unhoused persons and families in accessing housing and community resources. She also currently serves as a therapeutic musician to the geriatric population.

Eva lives with her mother, the retired pastor, Rev. Dr. Anita Hendrix, and one adorable Yorkshire terrier, Fluffy. She’s also a newly minted aunt with a life goal to become “The Best Auntie Ever.”

Must-Know Info about Eva:

She’s always singing, even mid-conversation, usually the lyrics from the Pointer Sisters’ “I’m So Excited” or Abba’s “Super Trouper,” but her go-to karaoke song is “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls (and nobody can ever convince her that the 1997 Spice World film is less than a cinematic masterpiece! Girl Power!).