Deborah Richardson (she/her)
Director of Handbells
Joined in 2022
[email protected]
In Office: Thu, 7-9 PM & Sun, 9 AM-1 PM*
*This represents a typical schedule, but Deborah is always reachable and responsive via email, where phone contact can be made available for handbell needs as necessary.
Deborah came to Brown Memorial as the alto soloist and returned years later as the Director of Handbells. The warm community and especially her love of all the members of both the bell and chancel choirs drew her back to Brown.
Deborah graduated from Duquesne University School of Music and has served several churches in the Washington, DC area as Music Director since the mid-1980s. She has experience directing chancel choirs, handbell choirs, and instrumental ensembles and has also served as a paid chorister and soloist. In addition to directing the handbells, she sings in the chancel choir and serves as a Deacon.
Deborah is married to Rees, who is a professional trumpet player. They have two adult sons, Hoyt and Stephen. She also teaches English as a second language to Afghan immigrants and takes senior classes online.
Must-Know Info about Deborah:
She has written over twenty plays and a musical, which have been performed in the DC area. But it doesn’t end there . . . She has also composed music for choirs, soloists, and even the trumpet!