BUILD Action at City Hall
Jun 7, 2017 at 5:00 PM
Organizer: Andrew Connors

BUILD and others have fought to protect after school and community school funding for decades, but Mayor Pugh has proposed cutting after school funds by 25%, or $2.4 million in the upcoming fiscal year.

After urging by BUILD, BYOP (Baltimore Youth Organizing Project), Child First and the No Boundaries Coalition, the City Council has demonstrated a willingness to make $2.4 million dollars available through cuts in other areas of the budget.

BUILD is committed to turning out hundreds of adults and young people to the War Memorial Building for the budget hearing on community schools. Councilman Zeke Cohen has arranged for young people to speak on the importance of the funding.

Brown Memorial has committed to bringing 35 people to the hearing. RSVP to Anne Heuisler ([email protected]) if you can come. Photo IDs are required to attend.
