Climate Change Film Screening & Panel Discussion
Nov 5, 2017 at 3:00 PM
Organizer: McKay Jenkins

The Brown Green Team, in conjunction with partners at Bolton Hill churches Memorial Episcopal and Corpus Christi, will show the climate change film "Merchants of Doubt" in Brown Memorial's sanctuary. The film offers a deep look at the highly orchestrated corporate and political efforts to undermine climate science. A brief panel discussion, with climate scientists and environmental journalists, will follow the film. The panelists are:

  • Tom Pelton, environmental journalist from the Environmental Integrity Project and host of the weekly Environmental in Focus program on WYPR
  • Laura Foster, an atmospheric chemist who works in the undergraduate program in Public Health at Johns Hopkins University, Homewood campus
  • Joelle Novey, Executive Director of Interfaith Power and Light of Washington, Maryland, and Virginia, an interfaith environmental group focusing on mitigating climate change
  • McKay Jenkins, environmental journalist, director of Environmental Humanities at the University of Delaware, and board member of Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake, an ecumenical environmental group focusing on watershed protection and restoration

The Brown Green Team is a new ministry at Brown that works to foster environmental stewardship and justice through educational programs, community work projects and legislative action.
