Theology on Tap
Sep 12, 2017 at 7:30 PM

Our monthly bar-based theology group gathers at Tavern on the Hill (900 Cathedral St.) to talk about God and everything else.

This month's topic is, "BYOT" - Bring Your Own Theologian: Participants are invited to pick a theologian to whose thoughts on a topic, quotes, or life story have inspired you and share about her/him with the group. Please note: we do not expect anyone to be an expert on this topic. It can either be a theologian that you have read for many years or even someone that you found on Wikipedia and read about for 5 minutes.

If you are not sure where to start, consider someone on the following list: Stanley Hauerwas, CS Lewis, NT Wright, John Hick, Karl Barth, Adolf Von Harnack, Rowan Williams, John Dominic Crossan, James Cone, Cornell West, Julian of Norwich, Phyllis Trible, Ellen Davis, Yolanda Pierce, Gustavo Guitteriez, and Karen Armstrong.
