Kirwan Action
Nov 21, 2019 at 5:45 PM
Organizer: Rachael Edgin

"Now is the time for action! The Kirwan Commission funding recommendations are out, Gov. Hogan is fighting them tooth and nail, and if this wealthiest state in the nation is to give ALL of our kids a decent education (not just the ones who can afford a house in a “good” school district), we need to step up. As you know, Baltimore City’s kids, given our fraught racial history and the flight of (white) people and wealth from Baltimore City since Brown v. Board of Education in 1954, need these resources more than most around the state. The Kirwan Commission also says Baltimore City needs to step up & dramatically increase its funding for schools..."  --Dan Pontious, BUILD Leader

Therefore, BUILD is calling on Mayor Young to invest a portion of the city’s $34M surplus in City Schools IMMEDIATELY and to lay out his plan for doubling the city’s investment in schools as recommended by the Kirwan commission.
Questions? Contact Rachael Edgin [email protected] or Elizabeth Nash [email protected]

