Bible's Delectable Next Course
Sep 27, 2019 at 7:00 PM
Organizer: Michele Ward

This is an invitation to a group biblical culinary adventure. This group will gather to enjoy the gift of food, the gift of togetherness, and the gift of presence. The group will meet in our church kitchen to discover the source of divine possibility through cooking, eating, and exploring the spiritual significance and to develop a richer relationship with God.  God promises he is cooking up something delectable through spiritual exploration and this group will use mealtime for further spiritual formation.  We will be using Margaret Feinberg's book, Taste and See:  Discovering God Among Butchers, Bakers & Fresh Food Makers as a guide in creating recipes and preparing food, nourishing our bellies, and using this experience as a guide to our lively discussion of healing our souls. We will become the "fresh food makers."  This experience will be provide a spiritual travel and food guide designed to ensure you never read the Bible the same way again.  We will zero in on food God uses to reveal and heal our deeper hunger in the Bible. "Taste and See" provides recipes to prepare food described in the Bible, and each participant will have the opportunity to provide additional food and recipes to make our meal complete.

The table is set.....drinks will be poured....the meal is ready. Pull up a chair....Bon appetit and let's eat.
