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Total 68 Results

Profile photos of Haley Olson and Caitlin Duckworth.

Introducing New Music Staff

We are happy to welcome our first Composer in Residence, Haley Olson (pictured at left), as well Ensemble Chorister, Caitlin Duckworth, to the Brown Memorial family.    Haley Olson Haley is a composer, improviser and pianist based in Baltim...




Annual Report 2023

Read our 2023 Annual Report which shares reflections from our ministry staff, clerk's report, church highlights and photographs from the past year. 


Communal Responsibilties

Welcome to a new Brown Memorial!  Our first normal start to the year since 2019.  The pandemic has finally, officially been pronounced as over (though I know the coronavirus is still very much with us so do what you need to do to stay safe). &nb...


Freedom from Anxiety and Judgementalism

        The kids are not all right.  That seems to be the sentiment of so many experts of late, especially in the wake of the CDC report Youth Risk Behavior Study released last month.  The study showed som...


Restorers of Streets and the Tension Needed to Get Us There

Like a lot of Isaiah fans, I’m all about the future that God promises to give to the people - “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be bur...


Saying Yes in the Face of Fear

We find ourselves in the second week of Advent in our sermon series “From Generation to Generation” with the story of Mary on our lips and in our hearts. Last week, Pastor Andrew set the stage with the genealogy of Jesus in the gospel of Matthew. He r...


A Still More Excellent Way

Too fat too skinny / too tall too short  Too loud too quiet / Too smart too slow Too wide too narrow / too big too small What if I told you that these words  don’t have any power over me anymore?  What if I told you that I ...


Michael’s Death

“Michael’s Death”[1] Like so many of you who have shared your experiences of Michael’s death with me, my emotions in these last days have run the gamut.  I have felt a deep, deep sorrow for my loss, and for ou...


Homecoming Over Time

Clearly some folks didn’t think the new temple compared with the old. Some wept while others shouted with joy. Was it the contemporary music that now sounded in the new temple that disappointed some? Was it the fact that the previous temple had been bui...


When the World is So Messed Up that Even God is Stressed Out

“Do you think that I have come to bring peace on earth?”  Well, yeah, Jesus.  Peace is what the angels said you’d be bringing back in the 2nd chapter of the same book.  I don’t like this Jesus very much.  I want the one back th...


For the Love of Reading March 2022

For the Love of Reading March 2022 Polly Want a Cracker Before the holiday break, Program Director Martha’s daughter Maddie and son-in-law Herby surprised the students by bringing in their Macaws: Gerri and Charlie. The students had been ...


Annual Report 2021

Read our 2021 Annual Report which shares reflections from our Ministry Staff, Clerks Report, Photographs and highlights from the past year. Then join us for the Annual Congregational Meeting to reflect on the past year and discuss the year ahead...


Home by Another Road

We’re back online and I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels weary of all the whipsawing!  The decision to go online - like so many decisions the church has made through covid - was not clear cut by any means.  We desperately need to gath...


Stories of Hope and Faith

Join us as we pause, reflect, celebrate and look forward, raising important questions on where we go from here, by listening to and reading the incredible Stories of Hope and Faith prepared and published during the last year. This publication contain...


Keith Moore, Sr.

Keith joined the Brown Memorial staff in 2020. He works very closely with the Trustees to manage capital improvement projects and coordinate repairs and maintenance in the newly renovated Fellowship Building, Church House and Brown’s historic, 150-year-...


Our Money Story – Restore

Every year at stewardship season, I lose sleep over the budget.  I’ve tried not to, but I do, because every year for the past 7-8 we come up a little short which means I have to face telling committee chairs and staff to cut back and/or the Session...


Our Money Story – Reimagine

The widow gives away everything she has - the model for pure generosity. Jesus lifts her up as the example to follow. That’s the way most of us have heard this text. But while Jesus might be impressed by her faithfulness, he’s not celebrating this mom...


Anatomy of All Parts of the Soul

Last week the defense team for former Mayor Catherine Pugh released a video apology by Ms. Pugh to the people of Baltimore for crimes she committed abusing her public office.  Some immediately questioned the sincerity of Ms. Pugh’s apology given th...

An aerial view of Brown Memorial.

Celebrating 150 Years

The year 2020 marks Brown Memorial's 150th year anniversary. As a community, we are looking back to December 4, 1870, when our building was dedicated, and reimagining our future for years to come. We hope to craft a narrative that represents all of our ri...