Michael Stefanek
Minister of Music office phone: 410-523-1542 x 107 EMAIL:Michael became part of the Brown staff in 2024 after nearly 8 years as Director of Music
Ministries at Asbury UMC in Salisbury, MD. He’s thrilled to be part of such a warm, inclusive
faith community that embraces all people and supports social justice. Michael is excited to
shepherd the vibrant music program and is honored to continue the lineage of impressive
musicians that have served Brown.
Originally from Green Bay, WI Michael earned his Doctor of Musical Arts and Master of Music
degrees at the University of Michigan. He received his Bachelor of Music degree from Oberlin
College Conservatory of Music.
Michael and his partner Chris Salsberry have a spoiled rotten dog named Jelly Bean. They reside
in Baltimore and the Eastern Shore of MD.
To learn more about Michael please visit his website: michaelstefanek.com.