Thank you for your interest in learning more about Brown Memorial.
Brown is a diverse community: diverse in age, family situation, identity, race, religious tradition and theological view. Our congregation is made up of lifelong Presbyterians and people who are looking for a church that best synchronizes with their hopes for spiritual depth and meaningful community.
Like the early church whose faith was firmly rooted in the resurrection faith of Jesus, we consistently find ourselves prodded by the Spirit to adapt our community’s practice of the faith in honest and transparent ways, so that God’s transforming love for us and for our world might find expression in the changing nature of modern life. We believe that faith in Christ brings both comfort and challenge, and we relish our community’s ability to nurture both.
The best way to get to know the spirit of our community is to come and experience the community for yourself. When visiting, you can remain as anonymous as you like, but we encourage you to speak with an usher or fill out a communications card (located inside the blue welcome folders in the pews) so we can welcome you personally.
We worship virtually and in person. Learn more here.
We look forward to getting to know you.
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