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The corner stone at Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian.

December Faith Topics Classes Explore Brown Memorial’s History

When George Brown died in 1859, his estate was valued at $2,500,000, an amount that would top $7 billion in today’s dollars (George Brown was the son of Alex Brown, the founder of the first investment banking firm in the United States). George Brown lef...


Our History & Who We Are

Brown Memorial Presbyterian Church was founded in 1869 when Isabella Brown gave $150,000 in memory of her husband George Brown, a son of Alex Brown, the founder of the first investment banking firm in the United States. The church was built in the new, no...


Church in Public

When my children were little, someone gave me the good advice to let them hear me praying for them.  Sometimes at bedtime I’d stand in the doorway and pray some version of the meta prayer - may she be safe, may she be happy, may she be healthy, may...


Join our Small Groups

Small Groups are Back! Sometimes purely social gatherings are just the ticket so we are bringing back small groups. This year we will have small groups focused on five different topics. Each is focused on a specific topic so you will meet or get to know ...


Remembering Resurrection

You do remember the story, right?  Crucifixion, death, 3 days in the tomb, followed by resurrection.  If you haven’t learned it by now, I’m concerned.  We do this every year - even did it during COVID.  We get together, and tell th...


Freedom from Anxiety and Judgementalism

        The kids are not all right.  That seems to be the sentiment of so many experts of late, especially in the wake of the CDC report Youth Risk Behavior Study released last month.  The study showed som...


A Home for All (Joy)

At the beginning of this chapter Luke sets the scene. He tells us about all of the baddies in the Roman Empire that are running the show. Tiberius Caesar, Herod and his brother Philip--Luke wants us to know which political and religious voices John the Ba...


A Seeker’s Stance

While watching the Republican members of the House of Representatives try to elect a Majority Leader for the twelfth time on Friday, that age old definition of insanity came to mind.  Doing the same thing and expecting a different result.  The p...


Doing the Right Thing (Whether Or Not Mary Was a Virgin)

We struggle to do the right thing, at least those of us who care, which I’d garner is most people who are listening in today.  Whether to take or quit that job, how and when to discipline that errant child, what boundaries to put up, or relax, arou...



As we enter the second week of our stewardship series, the lectionary gives us this challenging passage from the Gospel of Luke. This excerpt follows the story of the faithful widow called “The Widow’s Mite.” She gives her last two coins as an offer...


A Still More Excellent Way

Too fat too skinny / too tall too short  Too loud too quiet / Too smart too slow Too wide too narrow / too big too small What if I told you that these words  don’t have any power over me anymore?  What if I told you that I ...


A Heavenly Mouthful

Joshua Coleman, our soloist this morning, sang “Go Down Moses,” an African American spiritual about the life and prophetic words of Moses. “Let my people go,” is the refrain in this powerful song. These are the words that God commanded Moses to de...


Michael’s Death

“Michael’s Death”[1] Like so many of you who have shared your experiences of Michael’s death with me, my emotions in these last days have run the gamut.  I have felt a deep, deep sorrow for my loss, and for ou...


The Head and the Heart

When composer Phoebe Knapp first played her newest, unnamed melody for her good friend, Fanny Crosby, Crosby had an immediate reaction. The music says, “blessed assurance,” Crosby declared. Her feeling about the melody gave rise to one of the most pop...


For the Love of Reading March 2022

For the Love of Reading March 2022 Polly Want a Cracker Before the holiday break, Program Director Martha’s daughter Maddie and son-in-law Herby surprised the students by bringing in their Macaws: Gerri and Charlie. The students had been ...


A Letter to My Daughters Following the Supreme Court Decision Overturning Roe v. Wade

My dearest daughters,[1] Like both of you, I’m angry at the Supreme Court’s decision this week overturning Roe v Wade.  I’m fearful over what this decision could mean for anyon...


Gospel Portraits of Jesus

"Regardless of what anyone may personally think or believe about him, Jesus of Nazareth has been the dominant figure in the history of Western culture for almost twenty centuries. If it were possible, with some sort of supermagnet, to pull out of that his...


An Idle Tale for Prisoners and Others Desiring Freedom

These words seemed to them an idle tale and they did not believe them. Part of the reason they did not believe them is because they were women.  Typical misogyny that we’ve had no shortage of seeing in the last several years, or ever.  But I b...


God Loves

It was the city that disappointed him.  The city, with a habit of rejecting prophets sent to it, according to Luke.  Luke makes that point several times.  The most outrageous case of this prophet rejection was back in the book of 2 Chronicl...


Home by Another Road

We’re back online and I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels weary of all the whipsawing!  The decision to go online - like so many decisions the church has made through covid - was not clear cut by any means.  We desperately need to gath...