Learning to Read, Building Confidence, Succeeding in School


At the culmination of another successful year of literacy studies, the Brown Memorial Tutoring Program sends its deepest thanks to so many devoted individuals, families and foundations who have supported the annual fund and grant requests during the 2016/17 school year.                    

With the help of its supporters, Brown Tutoring is growing. More schools. More students. More than 60 volunteer tutors. Most importantly, the students’ skills are growing. The Tutoring Program thanks everyone for the essential role they’ve playing in the program again this year.  

End of Year Celebration

The Tutoring Program held its End of the Year Celebration on May 25. The students performed a song and then received a copy of the annual yearbook, a certificate and a gift book. They also welcomed special guest Bomani, a hip hop poet from Washington, DC.

“It was a wonderful culminating event, allowing us an opportunity to recognize the children for their hard work throughout the year along with their families, teachers and school administrators,” said Martha Socolar, Tutoring Program Director.  

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