Are You Connected? Join a Small Group

The Contemplative Hiking group at Brown Memorial on a hike.

Connecting through small groups is an effective way to really get to know people. Here is a list of new and existing small groups to consider joining at Brown Memorial. Meeting dates and times vary. Contact group leaders or visit the church calendar for more information.


Contemplative Hiking: A group centered around monthly hikes in the Creator’s sanctuary. Contact Doug Adams,; (443) 474-2201.


Families of Faith: A group of families with young children who gather together for food and fellowship. Contact Matt Taylor,; (202) 758-5989, or Lyndsay Taylor,; (202) 255-3997.


Literature & Faith: A group that comes together to read and discuss a variety of short narrative and poetic selections that feature religious themes and allusions. Contact Elden Schneider,; (410) 925-5511.


Male Spirituality: A group for men, and all who identify as such, to explore their individual foundation of spirituality, what it means, and how it affects their lives in community. Contact Fred Cogswell,;(425) 681-1419, or David Lascu,; (443) 805-8351.


Prayer Shawl Ministry: Knitters and crocheters alike of varying skill levels meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month for mutual support and fellowship as they work on Prayer Shawls to be offered to others in need. Contact Carol Graves,; (410) 366-4662, or Dianne Ross,; (310) 530-6261.


Singing for the Soul: Sing and experience a variety of inspirational chants, folk music and classic tunes, including melodies from the Taize Community in France. Contact Barbara Cates,; (410) 908-0824.


The Bible’s Delectable Next Course: An invitation to a group biblical culinary adventure utilizing Margaret Feinberg’s book, Taste and See: Discovering God Among Butchers, Bakers & Fresh Food Makers as a guide. Contact David Lascu,; (443) 805-8351, or Jeanne Thomas,; (443) 243-2295.


Theology on Tap: Theology is really just a fancy word for “God-talk,” the way we think and talk about our religious beliefs. This discussion group meets monthly at Blue Pit BBQ. Contact Chip Morgan Riegel,; (443) 909-0366, or Kelsie Riegel Morgan,; (443) 904-1407.