Members of Brown Memorial are traveling to Camajuani, Cuba, April 27-May 2, to continue discernment of a relationship with the Iglesia Presbyteriana de Camajuani.
Traveling as part of the Brown delegation are Deb Baer, Emily Brown, David Nyweide and Jody Shaw. A Cuban translator will accompany them.
This is the second trip made to Cuba by a delegation from Brown Memorial since 2016. Deb Baer, Fred Cogswell and Jody Shaw visited Camajuani and Placetas, Cuba, and five churches within the El Centro Presbytery in November 2016. The Presbytery of Baltimore currently has a partnership with El Centro, and specifically eight churches within the Presbytery of Baltimore have relationships with churches in El Centro.
Ahead of the next mission trip, the Brown delegation is collecting over-the-counter medicines as a gift from Brown Memorial to the Presbyterian church in Camajuani, where there is a great need for these medications.
Medicines will be collected in a box in the back of the Sanctuary on the following Sundays — April 8, 15 and 22. The following medicines are needed: