Celebrating 150 Years

An aerial view of Brown Memorial.

The year 2020 marks Brown Memorial’s 150th year anniversary. As a community, we are looking back to December 4, 1870, when our building was dedicated, and reimagining our future for years to come. We hope to craft a narrative that represents all of our rich, collective stories and a vision to guide our renewed call to serve God, each other and our community.


Brown Memorial’s Session and staff invite the entire congregation to join in the Anniversary events and activities. There is no one large “Anniversary Committee,” but there are many people working to make many parts come alive. We encourage you to sign up to help plan an event, to gather or write some of our history, or participate in the activities.


Here is a brief summary of Anniversary Year highlights. See Gayle Barney ([email protected]) to sign up.


History Alive Project (ongoing)

Help share Brown’s history with the wider congregation by writing stories (or recording interviews) for the bulletin, Tidings, website, or wall displays.


History @ Lunch (3rd Sundays of most months)

Theme luncheons to present and discuss a historical topic and its intersection with Brown, including LGBTQ+ inclusion, race and the city (3/15), disability inclusion (4/19), interfaith relations, women’s leadership, and global mission.


General Assembly Visitors, June 21

National visitors will be attending the PC(USA) General Assembly and will join us for worship and lunch.


All-Church Picnic with Campfire, Sept. 26

Takes place at Bee Tree Preserve in Monkton (combined with Youth Fall Retreat, Sept. 25-27)


Doors Open Baltimore, Oct 3

Citywide event to open Baltimore’s most interesting spaces to the public. Come help share our historic building with the city.


150th Anniversary Event, Dec. 4

Original sketches, stories, songs from Brown’s history, created, produced and presented by Brown (writers, creators, presenters, technicians needed!).


Choral Concert, Dec. 5

With Brown Memorial Choir.


Sanctuary Re-Dedication, Dec. 6

Worship service includes rededicating the Sanctuary to service and worship, followed by reception.