Excuse our Mess: South Tower Renovation Begins

A view of the damage to the masonry inside the south tower.

Facilities manager Rob Brown calls the start of the renovation on Brown Memorial’s south tower a “milestone” moment. 


Several years ago, stones fell out of the structure. Assessing the extent of the repair needed internally and externally to the tower and finding the funding for the renovation work has been years in the making. The work is finally commencing as part of Brown Memorial’s current capital fund renovation work. 


The tower repair is a multi- step process. While the immediate safety of the South Tower is not in jeopardy, the wooden bracing installed several years ago after the stones fell out of the structure is temporary. Some repairs to the external structure have already taken place, ensuring no further water damage. Internally, structural engineering contractors have designed a custom steel structure to replace the temporary wood bracing.


The internal masonry work to the tower will continue through winter 2018, and more external work on the tower is expected to begin in summer 2018.